"The Hunt - From Concept Artist to Filmmaker"

General / 06 November 2023

Hi everyone!

I will be doing a small presentation at this next edition of Trojan Horse was a Unicorn Career Camp to talk about how I've been putting my short film together.

This Wednesday (Nov 8th) at 2pm (GMT).

The event is online, free and (now) open to everyone. I highly recommend it! Join me and bring questions!

See you then!


The Siren - Coming Soon!

General / 19 March 2021

For the past few months, I've been working on a personal story that I'm excited to share with all of you in the upcoming weeks.

The idea - a reinterpretation of the mermaid myth - came from an old character concept that I've created years ago when I've started down this path. (Tip: check my avatar 👀)

You will probably notice a lot of similarities between this and the lighthouse movie, some of it is a coincidence, a lot of it is not. The movie is very close to what I wanted to make - and I decided that instead of running away from it I'd actively steal from it.

Most of the inspiration for my work comes from my favorite films, so if you like films like Alien, Under the Skin and The Lighthouse, you may like this.

See you soon!


Teaser Poster for The Reign of Solus

General / 18 February 2020

I've been working alongside Ash Thorp, Olaf Blomerus and a team of incredible artists on this amazing project during the past year. We've just finished principal photography and Ash and Olaf decided to share a little taste of what's to come. :)

I did a lot of work on this film - some of it was helping design the characters in the poster - can't wait for you guys to see what we've been building. 

Stay tuned.
