The Hunt - Background Paintings - Part 2
Collaboration with Henry Wong - Teddy Bear is a 3D Model+Overpaint

Collaboration with Henry Wong - Teddy Bear is a 3D Model+Overpaint

Most of my own background paintings for The Hunt were made late at night in one sitting. Initially, my plan was to do all the BG paintings on the film: a plan I quickly discarded due to the insane amount of work.

First painting is a collaboration with Henry Wong. Rest of the paintings on this post are my own.

Art Director/Background Painter:

Background Painter:
The Hunt is an animated short film written and directed by Diogo Costa in his cinematic debut.
The film is produced by COLA Animation and Studio Kimchi, and co-produced by Studio Unkai and Blauw Films.
The film had its world premiere at the Lisbon International Horror Film Festival (MotelX) where it competed for Méliès d'argent - Best European Short and its international premiere at the Sitges Film Festival where it competed for Oscar-qualifying "Anima't - Curts Session".
For regular updates on the film and news about upcoming screens follow me on Instagram: