The Hunt - Background Paintings - Part 3

Most of my own background paintings for The Hunt were made late at night in one sitting. Initially, my plan was to do all the BG paintings on the film: a plan I quickly discarded due to the insane amount of work.

Art Director/Background Painter:

Background Painter:
The Hunt is an animated short film written and directed by Diogo Costa in his cinematic debut.
The film is produced by COLA Animation and Studio Kimchi, and co-produced by Studio Unkai and Blauw Films.
The film had its world premiere at the Lisbon International Horror Film Festival (MotelX) where it competed for Méliès d'argent - Best European Short and its international premiere at the Sitges Film Festival where it competed for Oscar-qualifying "Anima't - Curts Session".
For regular updates on the film and news about upcoming screens follow me on Instagram: